Color can be adjusted on latest earrings (except the last one # 14). Latest earrings (# 6 to 11) can be used on Men. Fixed bug with missing color slider blouse. Silk dress (reveal), rename to Silk dress open. Down jacket (reveal), rename to Down jacket open.

I'm curious if it keeps what the pictures tell.Updates should be placed only in the full version of The Klub 7.5 or higher. I could only find The Club 17 on questionable pages. This game is a mess so many thing to DL i will wait for your pack, when will you upload it? If high quality priority wins, would you offer another download that just had all the poses? Woo! About time someone took it upon themselves to make some sense of this hot mess! Cause I firmly believe that the best (porn) game is hidden somewhere in there. Im gonna predict, once this is out, people are gonna want more poses no matter the quality. I hope it will include all the mods for clothing and stuff

Game crashes when I'm going through the tutorial Now for the screenshots (Tried my best lol) You'll find a tutorial in the dedicated 3D-Sex-Villa channels, when it's released in a few days.

Porting older chars into a newer look, is also rather easy and only takes 1 min. Same applies for the maps, the original once and re-textured ones are included. Like mentioned in a few comments before, the old assets from the base game + new overhauled are in, so you need to scroll down in the drop-down menus. I've tried to include a selected amount of modded chars, so you can play with those if you don't want to create one for yourself. As in all games, there are very well made ones and.more mediocre ones. So you were able to create your own stuff for everyone to enjoy. The base-game already features a full advanced pose / animation tool. There is one more thing I wanted to make a poll for, simply because it can quickly become confusing, when there is too much. Now the modpack is nearly done, other than the need to change the GUI + new launcher, It's pretty much finished. So, welcome to this small screenshot + poll preview for the upcoming 3D Sex Villa Modpack.