Overall, I’m seeing this as a top game on the App Store. So, I like this because it’s very challenging. Just a warning for little kids out there wanting to play this game. ( TOTALY recommend this game btw) Also in press start, somewhere in the middle of it, the background is red, an 8-bit skull pops up and says, “ OH D*MN”. Hope you hall have a good day! Remember: you are all loved. Maybe they could add a new type of title music? Alr that’s it my friend.

3.) the title screen music is the same as the normal version, same with meltdown. 2.) yk how you can change the look and colors of you little block thing, some of the colors and shapes are Only unlock-able in the normal game. I’ve had this game for years and there has not been a new level for so long. 1.) there’s only three levels!!!!!! The fourth level is a “coming soon” sign. There are only a few bad things about this app. I play it on the bus ride home from school. Subzero is fun because it has really good songs and better effects that the normal version. So the normal one costs money and my parents won’t let me get games that cost money so I play it on my friend’s iPad sometimes, but I have this one and geometry dash MELTDOWN. Ok so this game is actually really fun and I honestly think that this game has better levels than the normal geometry dash. I hope you will address the issues mentioned above. I have it!All in all an amazing trio of new levels with new gimmicks. Meltdown, on the other hand, when I try to load, tells me that this function will be available when update 2.1 comes. Only SubZero was able to load some icons and colours. But when I want to load data from the other games in between each other, it just doesn’t happen.

When I log in to all of them and save my progress it’s fine. This frustrates me so much.Only one more thing, I have all of your GD games, ie paid for the original and got Meltdown, Worlds and SubZero. There is a glitch with the second coin in the “Nock Em” level, where the transparent platform I should be able to jump to, as a ball, is just absent. I can’t access it and have to go to the App Store in order to open the game. Firstly, when the app was downloaded, the app icon remained dark.

It is obvious that there is a great improvement RubRub.However, there are some, in my opinion, extreme flaws that I only found on my iPad. The camera zooming in and out makes the level seem more interesting. The game and level designs are top notch.